Gladden Village Council
Gladden Village is a
virtual village developed by a small, dedicated voluntary group of compassionate heritage lovers, with a strong belief in the benefits of heritage engagement for health and wellbeing.
Gladden Village Council
Ruthanne Baxter
Role: Runs Gladden Coffeehouse and manages Gladden Heritage Apothecary
Born into a farming family near Pettigo, in the rural borderland of Northern Ireland/Eire but currently live in Scotland, where I manage civic engagement for heritage collections at a university and am involved in research projects relating to social prescribing and non-clinical personalised care.
I happily volunteered to get behind creating Gladden Village primarily because I love meeting people and helping people. I passionately believe in the power of heritage engagement for increasing sense of connection and improving mental health.
Paula Santervás
Role: Runs Gladden Library & Reading Room and manages the Post Office
I was born and raised in sunny Alicante, Spain. After having spent a number of years abroad I have recently relocated to Barcelona. I love volunteering and I am fascinated by culture, heritage and mental health, and the benefits that the former can bring to society. I love studying and learning. Having graduated in Cultural Management MA and Archives and Records Management PGCert, my aim is to keep
discovering more about the link between mental health and heritage & culture.